I've wished on my fair share of dandelions, but have come to find that luck and I just don't get along. The odds are always against me and that has always made my life quite interesting to say the least. My friends know me as a storyteller and look to me for entertaining stories of my day-to-day to experiences. I hope you enjoy learning about the "KP Curse"...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rush, Rush, Rush... and Where's my..?!?

I have been working at the same place for 6 years and I've had the same 1 hour and 20 minute commute for the past 2 years... One would think that I would finally have my morning routine down to a science!! But, of course, that's not the case (hence the title of this post). Every single morning is complete chaos for me.. Well.. once I actually get out of the bed that is... I usually have two snuggly kitties taking turns snuggling with me in the morning.. Halo comes and nuzzles me and lays on my pillow.. then Riley comes by and burrows under the covers to keep warm.. So even though a 5:45 alarm clock is unpleasant.. Having to leave those sweet boys makes it painful!

I typically battle the alarm clock for a good 30 minutes.. and some times an entire hour.. Sad, huh? But once I'm out of the bed.. I move like lightening because I take the VRE (a commuter train)... It only runs every 40 minutes and the last train is at 8 am, but parking usually runs out at 7:30 am, so there is a lot to be lost if I don't make it... my two options are: be in the car by 6:43 am or by 7:21 am.. Isn't it pathetic how exact my times are?!? I need every minute I can get!

The best part is.. once I get to the parking lot, I have to grab all my things, hobble through the lot with untied shoes and validate my ticket. Usually the train is already pulling up to the platform by the time I get to that last step and then up on the train I go!

Now here's the kicker... Once I find a sit and get settled.. I start looking through all of my mess to find my belongings and that's when the "Where's my this.. where's my that?!?" starts up.. This results in a phone call to Charles... It's time to enable what he calls the "Remote Controlled Charlie Bob" (I will explain the Charlie Bob nickname some other time).... I call and tell him I can't find something and where I think it might be and he goes and looks for it so that my mind can rest.. RIDICULOUS! But... that's what I do. Now.. if he happens to not be at home.. well then I'm stuck worrying about it until I finally forget :) Too bad those kitties can't pick up a phone and look for me!

Well... needless to say.. one of my New Year's resolutions (and there are many) is to improve my morning routine.. The odds of it happening are slim, but I'll keep my fingers crossed (and I'm sure "Remote Controlled Charlie Bob" will, too!

1 comment:

  1. I'm always trying to improve my morning routines!! I have it down to a science too ... showered and out the door in no time. Now only if I didn't hit snooze!
